Grants to Individuals
The Charity awards two distinct types of grants to individuals.
- Twice Yearly Grants to Older Ladies
Recurring grants to retirement age ladies with limited means.
- Emergency Grants
One-off crisis grants to disadvantaged single ladies living alone or only with their children.
Twice Yearly Grants to Older Ladies
- Ladies must live alone (widowed, divorced, separated or single).
- Ladies must be in receipt of State Pension and/or Pension Credit.
- Ladies must have lived in a West Midlands county and no more than 60 miles from Birmingham Town Hall for at least the last 5 years.
- Ladies’ income must be less than £240 per week.
- Ladies' savings must be less than £10,000.
- Ladies must have a bank, building society or post office account in their sole name which can accept BACs payments.
At the moment ladies receive £280 twice yearly.
All the above are subject to review at each Trustees’ Meeting.
Before applying and for more information, please read our Guidelines for Twice Yearly Grants to Older Ladies and Supplementary Guidance on Supporting Evidence.
The Charity prefers ladies to apply through a referring body, for example Age Concern, Age UK, Citizens Advice or a Neighbourhood Office.
Ladies who are unable to apply through a referring body should contact the Charity at enquiries@barondavenportscharity.org or telephone the office on 0121 236 8004.
Referring bodies will need to register before being able to submit online applications.
Register now as a Twice Yearly Grant Referring Body
Ladies receive two grants each year – one in late May/early June (Spring) and another at the end of November (Autumn). New applications for the Spring distribution should be received by 15 March and for the Autumn distribution, by 15 September.
Referring Bodies can apply here for a twice yearly grant
On receipt of each grant, a short re-application must be completed in order to qualify for a further grant. Re-applications for the Spring distribution should be received by 28 February and for the Autumn distribution, by 31 August.
Referring Bodies can re-apply here for a twice yearly grant
If a lady no longer qualifies for a twice yearly grant, referring bodies can let us know using this form.
Emergency Grants
Single ladies living alone or only with their children.
- Applicants must live in a West Midlands county and no more than 60 miles from Birmingham Town Hall.
- Applicants must be in reduced financial circumstances.
- Applicants must not have received an Emergency Grant from us in the last five years.
- Applicants must be able to provide documentary evidence that they have exhausted all possible support from public funds.
Unfortunately we are unable to help with general living expenses and energy bills.
Grants are given mainly to help purchase an essential household item.
We do not accept applications directly from individuals.
We can accept applications from a wide variety of organisations including charitable organisations, health care and advice services, tenancy support, education services, NHS and primary care trusts. Applications are not accepted from metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, county councils, district councils or their council affiliate organisations.
Online applications must be completed by a support worker who is part of an organisation that is supporting the lady or children and is capable of assessing their needs. Referring Bodies must accept responsibility for administering and supervising the grant on our behalf.
Organisations will need to register before being able to submit online applications.
Please do not attempt to register if you are a council, council affiliate organisation or you are applying as an individual.
Register now as an Emergency Grant Referring Body
Applications may take 2–4 weeks to be assessed and are assessed in date order.
The decision whether to award a grant is at the discretion of the Trustees of the Charity and there is no guarantee that a grant will be made.
Before applying, please read our Guidelines for Emergency Grants.
All possible support from public funds must have been exhausted before making the application.